


Contrary to the repressive systems of restrictions and punishments, Don Bosco opted for a preventive system of education, with preventive components including protecting children from any bodily or moral harm through education and shielding them from negative influences. He promoted love as a vital remedy for young people’s issues. The system is more focused on the pupil, and the educator provides ongoing and loving assistance, devoted support, counsel, and direction. It is a maternal approach that safeguards the young with kindness, availability, and the creation of a family atmosphere.

The modern extension to the preventive method is found in an expressive method that complements and completes preventive education. The harmonious blend of preventive and expressive methods of education distinguishes Don Bosco’s approach. Three characteristics are ingrained in the Don Bosco Way as crucial elements of holistic development: Rapport (loving-kindness), Reason, and Religion (integrity). Based on assistance and accompaniment, the preventive method views the educator as a parent, mother, sibling, mentor, and protector. The foundation of the Expressive method is encouragement and motivation. It promotes growth.

Educators serve as assistants, mentors, and directors and should frequently be spotted socialising with the students. If at all feasible, they should participate in student activities and participate in recreational activities with them, but not as supervisors but as assistants.

The confidence fostered by the interpersonal connection between students and professors, who, in Don Bosco’s words, are like “loving fathers and mothers,” encouraging and praising at the appropriate time, is what gives rise to a sense of belonging, security, and recognition in this educational system.

Healthy outlets, such as athletics, music, cultural programmes, field trips, and a plethora of other activities, satisfy the desires for attention and appreciation. By fusing freedom with responsibility, connecting the traditions and the modern, and encouraging the correct balance between authority and permissiveness, the educator in Auxilium aims to reduce the negative impacts of the so-called “generation gap.”

Religion has always been the means of rescuing the kids since it controls their behaviour and brings about long-lasting social and personal change. The regular use of the Sacraments—the common channels of God’s mercy and assistance—is highly valued in Salesian Education, which consistently draws from real Catholic tradition.